
About Me


My name is Melissa. On January 28, 1996 at the age of 23 I became a Christian, a baptized disciple of Christ.

My husband and I have been married since 1998 and we have 3 very energetic and opinionated kids. We have had our share of troubles, most of the day-to-day variety but there have also been some doozies.

Over the years I have learned a lot about God and life and finally felt the need to put my thoughts and musings out there for others to read. This blog is mostly for me to put down and sort out the thoughts running amok in my brain. Some of my ramblings my be way out there, just to warn you. This blog is by no means me telling you what you should think or do... who am I but a human just like yourself, trying to sort it all out? I'm hoping that what I write sparks good-natured conversation and provides a forum for discussion and growth in our relationship with God. Oh, I am also the Queen of Tangents, so please bear with me as I meander to my point (which there may or may not be, depending on my level of confusion).

Thank you for reading and I do look forward to your comments!


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